Buy Cannabis Seeds in North Dakota

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Buy Cannabis Seeds in North Dakota

If you’re thinking about buying cannabis seeds in North Dakota, you’re in luck, because this place isn’t the worst place to do it. Well, it’s sort of all legal, but with a few peculiarities. So, let’s go in order so you don’t get confused.

First off, cannabis has only been legalized in North Dakota for medical purposes, and that with a bunch of restrictions. So if you have a card for medical cannabis, that’s half the battle. So you kind of don’t just go to the store and buy seeds, like tomato seeds. You have to realize that selling cannabis seeds directly like that is not allowed yet. But there is no question of ordering them online. Yes, yes, everything through the Internet, you can order seeds from trusted suppliers who work with such regions.

Next – what about delivery? This is a separate topic. The post office may not be thrilled with your parcel, so it’s better to choose some inconspicuous method of delivery. For example, use packaging that they won’t guess what’s inside, and make sure the item is definitely from a region where cannabis is legal. Don’t take a chance with something that’s considered illegal in North Dakota. Otherwise, you might get questions from law enforcement instead of cannabis seeds. You definitely don’t want that.

It’s also important to remember that if you decide to sell seeds for any reason, you need a license. But we’re talking about buying for personal use, not for business, so you don’t have to worry if you don’t plan to sell.

So if you live in North Dakota and want seeds, it won’t be that hard, the main thing is to take your time and approach the issue wisely. Don’t forget to check that you’re ordering from trusted suppliers so you don’t run into a scam. Well, if something is wrong – you can always get your money back via PayPal. The main thing is that you don’t have to figure out who owes what to whom and what under state law.

Less competition

Less competition

There aren’t many people in North Dakota who are serious about growing cannabis, so you won’t be fighting the grower crowd like you would in California or Colorado. That means you can grow in peace without worrying about your farm being at the center of a “super battle” for customers. In this state, people aren’t as active in terms of cannabis, so you’ll be at ease.

Climate for vegetation

Climate for vegetation

While the cold winters can be intimidating, the summers here are sunny and warm enough for cannabis to grow. Especially if you’ve chosen good varieties that aren’t afraid of cold weather. Yes, you might need to take care to protect your plants from frost, but it’s not such a big problem if you’ve dealt with it before. So summer is the time for your plants to sunbathe and grow!

Land Availability

Land Availability

North Dakota has plenty of available land, and the prices aren’t that high. That’s something you’ll definitely like, because when compared to the same states where cannabis is legal, land is a much more affordable resource in North Dakota. Which means you can afford more growing space, rather than being tied to a small plot in an expensive location.

The laws are getting more lenient

The laws are getting more lenient

Yes, North Dakota hasn’t legalized cannabis for recreational use yet, but that’s slowly changing. There is already medical cannabis available, and the legislation is slowly softening. That means there may be new opportunities for more legal cultivation and sales in the future if you’re planning something big. So if you have patience, this could be a worthwhile investment for the future.

Best Weed Seeds To Grow In North Dakota (ND)

If you decide to grow cannabis in North Dakota, you’ll want to choose varieties that can survive in our harsh climate. I’m going to tell you about the three best options that will really suit our conditions. Here it is important that they not only grow beautifully, but also do not give up their positions in the cold. Here are a couple or three options that I have tested myself and can recommend.

Blue Dream

Blue Dream

For those who want something more versatile and with a bright flavor, Blue Dream would be just perfect. It combines both turkey and sativa, giving not only a good yield but also fantastic quality. This variety likes warmth, but not so much that you’ll be uncomfortable. Blue Dream is quite resilient, which is important for North Dakota. It’s not afraid of temperature extremes and will delight you with high-quality flowers that are delicious and powerful in effect. However, if the nights are too cold, you should take care of additional shelter.

Northern Lights

Northern Lights

How can you not recommend a variety that says in its very name that it is for the north? Northern Lights is a legend. It is just right for cool climates where summers are short and winters are long. This variety is not that demanding, and although it needs a little more heat to fully open, it is quite adaptable even to our cold nights. Plus, not only will it survive the cold, but it will give you high quality cones with a rich flavor and powerful relaxing effect. Just be sure to take care of your frost protection.

Critical Mass

Critical Mass

This variety is like a good friend who is always there when you need him and won’t let you down. Critical Mass has been bred to produce maximum yields with minimum care. If you don’t want to get too caught up in growing it, but still want good results, this is your choice. It grows fast and produces dense, fat buds with excellent THC levels. It does well in North Dakota because it’s not afraid of cold nights, but if it gets too cold, be sure to heat it up during the last flowering phase.

Cannabis Cultivation in North Dakota

If you’re going to grow cannabis in North Dakota, get ready for the climate to be no joke. We don’t live in California, and here, as you know, winter will not be spared! But if you approach it wisely, it’s cool. It’s like growing something in neighboring South Dakota or Montana – the weather conditions are similar, so the chips are the same.

First of all, summers are short and there aren’t many sunny days, so cannabis growers have to work a little harder. You need to choose varieties that are not afraid of cold weather and can survive our fast spring and cold nights. For example, varieties like Northern Lights or Critical Mass will not only withstand temperature changes, but will also produce good fruit even in such conditions.

Let’s talk a little bit about winter. You won’t be growing cannabis in the winter, but it’s important to realize that cold winds and early frosts can kill your plants if you don’t cover them. Yes, the summers are usually warm, but in the fall and spring, the nights can be so cold that the plant decides it’s over. The main thing is not to forget about protection – either cover the plants at night, or grow them in greenhouses or under LEDs. You can even use different greenhouse heaters if you decide to grow outside.

Another thing is humidity. In North Dakota, it’s not always at its best, to say the least. This can be a problem for your plants because they don’t like the air too dry. So if you’re growing at home or in a greenhouse, it’s worth considering an extra humidified atmosphere. Dryness can lead to root or leaf problems, and we don’t want that.

You have to be prepared for cold weather, blowing winds, and sudden freezes. But if you choose the right varieties and can give your plants the protection they need, your hard work will be rewarded with a good harvest in the end. The main thing is to be smart and take your time!

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North Dakota Cannabis Seed Bank

Listen, if you’re looking for where to buy cannabis seeds in North Dakota, I’ll give you a couple things to keep in mind. First, don’t think you can just walk into a store and buy them like tomato seeds. It’s a little more complicated than that. Because while some states have legalized cannabis, the situation isn’t so simple in North Dakota. Only medical cannabis is officially legal, but seed is a different story.

I personally started looking through the Cannabis Seed Bank in North Dakota. Yes, there are such banks out there, but they’re a bit in the shadows, and you might encounter some not-so-legal delivery routes. But if you do venture out, you need to be careful what you choose. Some of these banks, shall we say, operate within a gray area. So you have to be prepared for the fact that you might be offered seeds that, well… might not always be legal for you at a particular time.

In short, if you decide to buy, it’s better to do it online and order from states where cannabis is already fully legal. This will help you avoid unnecessary problems. Seeds usually come in a package that looks like some ordinary product, so as not to attract attention. But even here, it’s not all that easy. Sometimes deliveries can get delayed, and you still have to figure out what the laws are in your state.

So if you’re aiming for cannabis, it’s best to find out the ins and outs beforehand so you don’t get caught out.

Scott Blakey

Scott Blakey

Author / Professional Cannabis Grower

I’ve been in the cannabis world for a long time, since the 90s. I started out as just a plant hobbyist, but now I can say that I have become one of the leading growers. I create varieties that people like and I’m always looking for new ways to improve the process. In general, I love my job and it’s a thrill to watch your plants grow and produce results!


Is it even possible to buy cannabis seeds in North Dakota?

Well, technically yes, but not as easy as going out for bread. Seeds are considered “souvenirs” or “for collection” until you plant them. The legality of buying seeds is one thing, but growing them is another thing entirely. So, if you suddenly decide to collect seeds, you’ll be clean in the law, but don’t plant them without a serious plan.

Where do you get those seeds?

Here’s where the quest begins. In North Dakota, you’re unlikely to find seeds around the corner at your local store. The internet, however, is your best friend. There are tons of online sites that send seeds through the mail. And yes, the box will be as boring and unremarkable as a package of socks from grandma. Often the packaging is hidden so the neighbors don’t start squinting. Just look at the reviews and rating of the store, because there are also murky sellers.

Is it safe to order seeds online?

In general, yes. Stores have long since perfected everything to the point of automatism. But if you’re not comfortable with the idea of someone knowing about your seeds, use a VPN and buy with crypto. It sounds like a spy novel, but it’s just an extra layer of privacy. Seeds are usually packaged in “discrete” packaging (our way – no hint of what’s inside).

Which seeds are best to buy?

Well, here it is already a matter of taste and goals. There are autoflowers – grow by themselves, as on autopilot, and there are photoperiod varieties – with them you have to fiddle more. If you are a complete beginner, it is better to take autoflowers. They are easier to care for and grow faster. There is also a question of “indica or sativa”, but this is already a detail. For a start, take something “for beginners” – stores usually mark such varieties.

What do I do if my seeds get stuck in customs?

This is not the fun part of the story. It’s rare, but it happens. Most often, you will simply receive a notice that the parcel has been seized, and that’s it, no one will come for you. If this happens, don’t panic. Sellers usually resend or refund the money. But this doesn’t happen very often if you order from a trusted store.